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Ambiente e soccorso.

Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea scrl

Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea scrl

Largo F. Torraca, 71



Tel. +39 081 2507130

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SAM S.c.r.l. was born in 1998 and is the first Italian aggregation of SME’s in the aerospace sector. The head office is in Naples, and the associated companies are based in 8 Italian regions. The 11 partner companies cover complementary fields of the “space economy” and represent the majority of the space companies located in Campania Region specialized in the downstream segment services.

➢ Space projects

  • SAR & Optical Earth observation-based services
  • Data elaboration & data fusion algorithms / artificial intelligence
  • Validation with ground data, aerial data and drone-born data
  • GNSS applications
  • Satellite telecommunications
  • Space infrastructures and payloads

➢ Big Science projects

  • Control systems for astrophisics applications
  • Systems monitoring and telemetry
  • Design of nuclear projects plants and facilities



  • Ital-GovSatCom program: As part of the 'SpaceEconomy’, SAM companies are developing the MISENO project (Multipurpose Ital – GovSatCom application Services for Emerging user Needs and Objectives). It is a Multipurpose Application Services Platform based on Satellite communications, IoT and Earth Observation for the emergency management.
  • ESA / PNRR IRIDE program: SAM is involved in the «Service Segment», with 4 services proposals for the Local and Central Public Administration (Urban areas, Green areas, Water needs, Carbon indexes, Urban Heat Islands).


  • After the Research and development phase (since 2012) SAM realized the feed indexer «SKA-P» and «SKA-MPI» prototypes, installed in Shijiazhuang (China) and Karoo (South Africa). In december 2023 started the production of the first SKA sub-array: 124 antennas in South Africa, funded by the SKA Observatory.
  • SAM companies Euro.Soft and SRS Engineering Design are realizing the “Feed Indexer” for the “Meerkat Extension” array, 16+4 Dishes, that will be installed in South Africa in 2023-2024 (Prime contractor OHB. Funded by MPI, INAF and SARAO).


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